Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Where Can You Get The Best Price For Your Antique Silver Tea Set?

Did you just clean up an old storage area in the home only to find an antique silver tea set in it? Do you want to sell the set for cash? Do not go to any silver dealer to do this. Make sure that you approach a reputable antique silver dealer because only they will give you a good price for it.

What Is So Special About Antique Silver Tea Sets?

What make antique silver tea sets different from other items made from silver? The answer to this is the intricate carvings and work that has gone into the piece. You cannot find such pieces made in the market today. Two centuries ago, they were commonly used by Royal and Regal Families. The more elaborate the work, the more beautiful the piece and its value also rises accordingly. So, selling such a tea set to an ordinary silverware dealer will not fetch you the right price.

Authorized Dealers Judge Your Silver Tea Sets On Many Factors 

An authorized dealer in antique silverware will judge the piece on factors such as its history, manufacturer, quantity of silver and craftsmanship. What this implies is that antique silver is not valued based on its silver content alone, but on so many other details. One thing to note about silver item is that they can be Sterling Silver or Sheffield Silver {Silver Plated}. Silver plated tea sets are not as valuable as ones made from Sterling Silver. Still, they will fetch a price depending upon their condition and other factors, but, not a price as high as the sterling silver tea sets. Once again only a 
dealer specializing in such items will give fair price for them.

Another point to note when you have an antique silver tea set for sale, is the number of items that make up the set. A complete set will fetch a higher price than one that has some items missing. A set that has damaged items will fetch a lower price than one in a good condition.  The dealer will check the condition of the tea set before giving you the price that you are expecting for it. 

Get A Good Antique Silver Tea Sets Price By Selling To An Authorized Dealer

Silver has been used for centuries to make items that are needed for everyday activities. You can find it used for trays, bowls and even flatware. However a silver tea set stands apart from other items because of the way in which it is made.  The production of Silver tea sets started in the 18th century, with those made during the Victorian era having particularly beautiful work on them. The glitter of such sets against the light made them wonderful to look at. Many families still have such tea sets which are passed on from one generation to the next. 

If you have such a set that is your prized possession, but, are in need to instant cash then you can sell it at a good price. When you sell it, do not go to the local silver shop to do this. Find a reputable antique silver dealer because they will buy your set at a good price and will carefully maintain it, so you know that the precious item is in good hands. They will not melt the silver down to use it for other purposes. Instead it will be polished and put on display in the shop or passed on to Antique Buyers who value fine things.